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Eyes of the Book

2024  Watercolor  20" x 30" 

"Eyes of the Book" was inspired by a symphonic piece that I heard in the winter of 2024. The “Ears of the Book”, scored for solo pipa and orchestra, is a new composition premiered by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.  I was privileged to hear the composer Du Yun describes this work as a conversation between Eastern and Western traditions, a convergence but not a melding of the two genres. This breathtaking performance caused me to reflect on my own paintings.


2024  Watercolor  20" x 30" 



2024  Watercolor  20" x 30" 


Language of the Lake                                                                                            2024    Watercolor  20" x 30"

These paintings are exuberant and chaotic and like an orchestral composition, filled with loud clangs, sweeping washes of color and expression. I paint in watercolor to participate in the transcendence of parchment and stained water in a visual conversation. I believe that art is active meditation, a freedom to explore new neural pathways of the brain.

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